Ciracle White Chocolate Moisture Soap
Volume/Skin Type
100 g/All Skin Type
Country of Origin
Republic of Korea
In functional cosmetics,
screening by Korea Food & Drug Administration
Not applicable
Returns & Exchanges
If you received damaged merchandise, the item can be returned, exchanged, or refunded via our customer service within 20 days.
(Based on Internet Cybermall standardized agreement from article 14 about refund, exchange, and return policy established by Fair Trade Commission).

1. Discontinue the use and consult with dermatologist if the following symptoms become worse
a) If Redness, Swell up, Itchiness, Irritation occur while using the product
b) If same symptoms occur under daylight
2. Do not use for wound, rash, dermatitis, etc.
3. Precaution for storage
a) Keep the lid closed immediately after use
b) Keep it away from children
c) Avoid direct sunlight and store it where the temperature not too high nor low